UGA Journeys will help modernize UGA's approach to career development for staff, as well as staff and faculty supervisors. This effort will feature implementing new tools and procedures that provide a continuous career development model built to create transparency, retention, and growth. Through professional development, career mapping, and a refreshed compensation model, this program will empower staff to pursue their professional goals.
We welcome you to reach out to with any questions.
Each of the initiatives within the UGA Journeys program work together to create a
more seamless and transparent process for staff to understand their individual growth
View Benefits of UGA Journeys poster HERE (PDF).
Consistency around classifications and classifications tasks in position descriptions.
Career level progression mapping that clarify areas for staff advancement.
By aligning professional development with career progression, UGA staff will have a clear understanding of what is available for their development.
New professional development tools and training will support identification of career development opportunities.
Staff will have the opportunity to develop their skills for their current role and to prepare for potential future opportunities when positions become available.
Development courses may be in-person, but many will be available online through the Professional Education Portal (PEP).
This work will also provide tools and resources to supervisors as they work to support the career development of their staff.
University Human Resources will launch an online performance management tool based on the UGA Staff Competency Model's core competencies and leadership competencies (PDF) (when applicable).
Online tool will feature a staff evaluation process that encourages growth conversations. Learn more about the UGA Staff Competency Model: Performance Management Rubric (PDF).
Introducing the New UGA Staff Performance Management Process: Beginning in January 2025, University Human Resources will be launching a brand new Staff Performance Evaluation process through the Professional Education Portal (PEP). Learn more here.
Compensation structure will include enhancements to the classification structure and incorporate best practices according to market research.
An updated approach to setting salaries will allow UGA to hire and retain staff using a market-based approach to compensation. This will assist with hiring in a competitive market as well as retention of current employees.
Compensation software that will provide increased clarity around market matches, reporting, analytics, and dashboards. The goal of this software is to be able to provide units with more information while also speeding up the analysis process on salary requests.
LEARN MORE HERE about what UGA Journeys is and what it isn't.
NEWS & Updates
Sign up for Journeys news updates and view previous monthly news updates here.
'UGA Journeys: Understanding Your Connection to the Staff Competency' training through
April - February 16, 2024
'UGA Journeys: Navigating Your Career Path' supports staff professional growth - September 12, 2023
UGA Journeys Overview (video) - September 12, 2023
UGA launches Staff Comprehensive Compensation Review - July 22, 2022
Staff Comprehensive Compensation Review Memo - June 13, 2022
- UGA Journeys: Navigating Your Career Path (poster) (PDF)
- Benefits of UGA Journeys (poster) (PDF)
Staff Competency Model - UGA Staff Competency Model (PDF)
- UGA Staff Competency Model: Performance Management Rubric (PDF)
Supervisor Resource - Manager Performance Evaluation Quick Guide (PDF)
- Manager Performance Dashboard Quick Guide (PDF)
We welcome you to reach out to with any questions.