The University of Georgia is committed to providing employees with resources needed
to be successful in their jobs. The University encourages open communication between
employees and supervisors. Performance coaching includes a range of options that may
include verbal coaching, written warning, suspension with or without pay, and/or termination.
It is the role of the supervisor to communicate job performance expectations to the
employee. The University of Georgia reserves the right to bypass or accelerate any
and all steps depending on circumstances. This guide is intended to serve as a tool
to help supervisors evaluate and respond to employee performance in a fair and effective
manner. It is not intended to stand alone, nor does it constitute legal advice regarding
specific incidents.
As part of the UGA Journeys project, the Learning & Development team is pleased to introduce a new “How Will I be Evaluated?” resource for staff. This interactive resource provides the annual performance evaluation criteria
on which staff will be evaluated starting with calendar year 2024 performance, including
the rubric descriptors of each evaluation rating for every performance management
category (KSAO) of the Staff Competency Model.
UGA places a strong emphasis on organizational culture, continuous learning and performance
improvement for all staff. The Staff Competency Model is a collection of competencies that integrate knowledge, skills, abilities and other
characteristics that translate into specific behaviors. These behaviors are grounded
in the university’s values, mission and strategy and can help staff members better
understand what is needed to perform a particular job successfully. UGA’s Staff Competency
Model consists of two types of competencies: Core Competencies & Leadership Competencies.
Learn more about this model and how it can be useful for your and your team here.
Counseling occurs where there are performance issues and may be used to assist the
employee in achieving a satisfactory level of performance prior to initiating more
formal written warnings.
Before you act, ask yourself:
- Is the employee aware of the policy or expected behavior?
- Have I objectively gathered all the facts?
- Has the employee had the opportunity to respond?
- Am I responding quickly, consistently, and reasonably?
- Has the employee been previously counseled?
- How severe is the problem or infraction? What was the impact, or possible impact, of the employee’s action?
- Were there legitimate obstacles to proper performance?
Coaching is the ongoing process whereby the supervisor directs the development of
the employee through regular performance feedback. If the employee is meeting the
supervisor’s expectations, positive feedback can be used to reinforce performance
and further motivate the employee to even higher levels of performance.
Benchmarks and specific achievements should be discussed. Supervisors should communicate expectations for improvement clearly and in a timely
Supervisors should be prepared to:
- Review the employee’s job description with the employee
- Be direct and as specific as possible in identifying deficiencies or incidences and their significance
- Give employees examples of what "success" looks like in their role
- Give the employee a chance to assess their own capacity and commitment to a position
- Problem-solve with employees who are attempting to fulfill their job obligations
- Identify the process for on-going assessment of improvement
- Assess tools, systems and any recent changes in workload or areas of responsibility
- If necessary, to explain the consequences of failure to improve within a fairly established timeline
- Keep notes on the content and date of the conversation for their own recollection
f coaching does not lead to improved performance or behavior, or if the issues at
stake are considered relatively urgent, the supervisor should outline expectations
in a memo to the employee, making it clear that the employee’s success in the position
is the goal of this action. This document should include expectations for improvement
and additional training when warranted. The goal is to emphasize improved performance.
Options may include a more time-specific written document about consequences, up to
and including termination of employment. Multiple letters may be used to address
performance.These letters are used to record a pattern of non-performance.
The Workforce Engagement team is chartered with assisting the University community
to develop and maintain a positive work environment. We provide employee relations
expertise as a source of information and guidance on UGA administrative policies and
procedures for both employees and supervisors. The University of Georgia encourages
positive working relationships and a quality of work life through the fair treatment
and resolution of employee interests and concerns.
Contact : 706-542-9756
Tracey O'Malley
Adrianna Creech
Sandrika Walker
Letters of counseling and letters of warning are two examples of disciplinary letters.
Supervisors may contact the office of Workforce Engagement in HR for letter templates.
Use a disciplinary letter when an employee demonstrates repeated fails to meet work
standards. The letter of counseling or letter of warning should include at a minimum:
- Tasks and responsibilities with a description of the work standard
- Most recent example of failure to meet the work standard
- Expected performance
- Potential disciplinary steps for lack of improvement
- Demotion/suspension/termination of employment
In the event that performance does not meet the Performance Accountability Plan, employment
may be terminated.
For gross misconduct, supervisors may consider suspending the employee without pay.
Coaching, performance accountability, and commitment plans should focus more on improved
employee outcomes rather than withholding salary. Suspension without pay should be
reserved for gross misconduct.
When a non-probationary, non-contract employee is suspended without pay, demoted,
or terminated, the employee should be informed in writing of the specific reasons
for the action taken. In the letter, advise the employee of his/her
right to answer the charges by appealing to the next higher administrative level in
the employing unit. The employee should also be advised of his/her/their grievance
appeal rights as outlined in the UGA Grievance and Disciplinary Review Policy.
Suspension, demotion, or termination must first be approved by the Office of Workforce
Engagement in HUman Resources. Please contact Workforce Engagement at 706-542-9756.
The duration of the Performance Accountability and Commitment Plan will depend on
many factors, including type of position, clarity or severity of the issue and assessment
of likelihood of improvement. In the Written Performance Accountability and Commitment
Plan, employees will be given a reasonable amount of time to demonstrate the required
improvement. While the plan will include a timeframe, employment may be ended during
the plan if there is not demonstrated improvement and goals are not met.
Supervisors and employees are encouraged to contact Workforce Engagement to discuss
job and work place concerns.
If there are allegations of a violation of the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
Policy or retaliation, UGA’s Equal Opportunity Office should be contacted at 706-542-7912.
- Dispute Resolution Policy
- Human Resources section of the F&A Policy Website
- UGA Equal Opportunity Office, (706) 542-7912
- UGA Human Resources, Director of Workforce Engagement, (706) 542-9756
- UGA Office of Legal Affairs, (706) 542-0006
Key: Disciplinary Actions
C: |
Coaching and performance accountability plan |
D: |
Disciplinary letter |
F: |
Final warning |
T: |
Termination |
Work violations and suggested responses
Example infraction |
Disciplinary options* |
*Remember: Consideration should always be given to the nature of the incident, the frequency
of the violation, and the employee’s overall work record before disciplinary action
is taken. Before acting, supervisors should ask themselves if they have researched
potential obstacles to employee performance. |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
Poor performance of duties, including failure to follow instructions. |
C |
D |
D |
F |
T |
Any activity which violates federal or state standards regulating the provision of professional services or violation of regulations affecting continued licensure, commissioning, or certification in a profession. |
D | F | T | ||
Failure to adhere to University or departmental policies or procedures |
C |
D |
D |
F |
T |
Insubordination, including refusal to follow instructions from supervisors or other proper authorities. |
D | D | F | T | |
Use of profane, loud, or boisterous language on University premises, or actions which may be discourteous |
C |
D |
D |
F |
T |
Violation of an attendance policy (violations which are unrelated to FMLA) |
C |
D |
D |
F | T |
Being in an unfit condition to perform the duties of the job, including sleeping on the job or working under, or suspected of working under, the influence of drugs or alcohol. |
C |
D |
D |
F | T |
Unauthorized or improper use of University property. |
D |
F |
T |
Falsifying records, including but not limited to intentional failure to accurately record time records or registering the time card of another employee without proper authorization. |
D |
F |
T | ||
Behavior which compromises another's privacy or discloses confidential University information, including medical information |
D |
F |
T |
Questions? Contact or (706) 542-2222