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Our people are our strength, mission, & vision, and the University of Georgia's greatest resource.


branding motif


PowerPoint & Presentation Template

Fonts, Sizes, and Colors

- Content Subeadings

- Meriweather Bold

- #554F47 / Gray

- Size 22 pt

- Content

- Meriweather

- #000000 / Black

- Between sizes 12-18 pt

- Headings

- Meriweather Bold

- #000000 / Black

- Size 65 pt

- Main Subheadings

- Meriweather Bold

- #554F47 / Gray

- Size 35 pt


Photo Usage

- On semi-transparent slides or solid slides

- Replace and modify image as usual

- Always position below heading

- When possible, use photos highlighting UHR employees!

- Use stock photos as last resort






branding motif



Digital & Print Promotional Items

Banners, Flyers, Posters, Website Banners, & more! Additional template ideas welcome! 




promo 1



branding motif


Communicate with the UGA Community

Learn about the communications process and submit a communications request








branding motif


Email Signatures

Click here to access the University HR email signature template. 






branding motif


For overall branding tips and guidelines, always refer to the UGA Brand Style Guide.