Beginning July 1, 2024; up to 240 hours of paid Parental Leave will be available to employees at the University of Georgia as part of House Bill 1010.
Qualifying life events include:
- the birth of a child
- placement of a minor child for adoption
- placement of a minor child for foster care
Eligibility is contingent upon the employee meeting the following criteria:
- Regular benefits eligible employees who work 30 hours or more per week and have at least 6 months of continuous service with USG. There is no requirement to work a certain number of hours within the 6-month period for these employees.
- Regular partially benefits eligible employees who work between 20-29 hours per week, have at least 6 months of continuous service with USG, and have worked a minimum of 700 hours over the 6 months.
- Regular non-benefits eligible employees who work less than 20 hours per week, have at least 6 months of continuous service, and have worked a minimum of 700 hours over the 6 months.
- Temporary non-benefits eligible employees who have at least 6 months of continuous service and have worked a minimum of 700 hours over the 6 months.
- Rehired retirees who are receiving retirement benefits and students are not eligible
for paid parental leave.
- Must provide adequate documentation of qualifying life event
- May be used on a continuous or intermittent basis
- May not run concurrently with any other paid leave
- Will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), if eligible
- Expires 365 days after the date of the qualifying event
- No cash value upon separation from employment
If an employee has one of the qualifying life events mentioned above they should submit Extended Absence Request through OneUSG Connect Employee Self-Service.
Requesting an Extended Absence Request
USG Paid Parental Leave Policy (PDF)